Loyalty program

Take advantage of exclusive member rates applicable on nearly all rates available and our App.
Loyalty program benefits
9+ nights makes you different!
Be a silver guest by staying up to 19 nights within a year!
20+ nights makes you different!
Be a gold guest by staying up to 29 nights within a year and get a 15% discount for menu orders in all restaurants
30+ nights makes you different!
Be a platinum guest by staying more than 30 nights within a year and get
- 20% discount for menu orders in all restaurants
- Free upgrade to the next category
- Special days for the special price
Terms conditions
Any guest may subscribe to the package
Join now
Start collecting your nights from today
Collect 9+nights within a year
Get your free night and spend anytime you want
Points and rewards
You stayed 9 nights within a year at our hotel:
A Silver member will receive 9+ 0 = 1 night.
A Gold member will receive 19 + 0 = 2 nights.
A Platinum member will receive 29 + 0 = 3 nights.
After collecting you may spend anytime within a year.